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10227 118 Street NW
Edmonton, AB, T5K 2V4


The Nellie McClung Girls Junior High Program is an innovative, Edmonton single-gender educational program where young women strengthen their abilities and prepare for a successful future.



What's new at Edmonton's Nellie L McClung Educational Society - find out here on our blog. 


The Winner of our Win a Day with a Chef Raffle is...

Patricia Bullock

Congratulations to our winner …

Ticket # 0585

Sold at Andy’s Valleyview IGA

The winner has been contacted and will be chatting with the chef about their special day.

Our sincere thanks to everyone who purchased tickets and to all of our students, parents and teachers that helped to sell them. A special thank you to Capilano Safeway, Bonnie Doon Safeway, Riverbend Safeway, Sunterra Lendrum and Andy’s Valleyview IGA for allowing us to sell at your stores. Your contribution and support is much appreciated.

Your contributions make special field trips like the one to Vancouver Island’s Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre possible. Our grade 9 girls are there right now exploring marine biology with scientists from four universities.


Win a Day with a Chef Raffle

Patricia Bullock

Our raffle draw is today!

Please stay tuned to this page and our social media accounts for the winner.

Win A Day With A Chef Raffle AGLC License # 527659

Please note the following tickets are ineligible as they are unaccounted for:

0371; 0375; 0511-0530; 0661-0670; 0731-0740; 0844; 1291-1300; 1421-1440.

NLMES: Notice of Meeting

Patricia Bullock

Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Members of the Nellie L. McClung Educational Society has been called for Monday, May 13, 2019 at 6:30 PM at Oliver School, 10227 118 St NW.


Motion to adopt a Special Resolution to replace the Bylaws of the Nellie L McClung Educational Society.  The proposed bylaws can be viewed here.


  • The current NLMES Bylaws are outdated and need to be revised.

  • Using an example of a template from Alberta School Councils Association, a draft set of bylaws has been under development for the last few months.

  • The draft bylaws have been reviewed by interested members, and were presented to the Board of the Nellie L McClung Educational Society on April 11, 2019.

  • The Board has accepted the draft Bylaws, but a Special Resolution is needed to adopt these bylaws.

  • A Special Resolution must be passed at a Special Meeting of the Members, to be held on May 13, 2019.

  • We need at least 3 non-Board members to be in attendance at this meeting.

  • The Special Resolution will require the support of 75% of the voting members in attendance at the Special Meeting.